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Institute Alumni Profiles: Katie Cupp

For the past six years, Katie Cupp has been an invaluable asset to the Institute for Nonprofits as a minor student, graduate certificate student, and as a long-time Institute Ambassador. Originally from Raleigh, Katie learned about the nonprofit studies minor through another student during her freshman year at NC State and completed the minor and her undergraduate degree (Zoology) in 2015.

Katie was most impacted by Mindy Sopher’s COMM 466 class which helped her to truly take an interest in the nonprofit and social sector. Her biggest takeaway from the minor is the concept of moving past charity in order to help to create systemic change. Her favorite moment as a minor student was when the WWF came to speak at Hunt Library, as that was also the day that Katie first found out about the Institute for Nonprofit Ambassador Program.

Katie now works as a Graduate Teaching Assistant for NC State and as a Development Intern while she is completing her master’s degree (Zoology) and graduate certificate (Nonprofit Management).  She credits the minor for not only having an impact on her experience in college, but on her life as a whole. The Nonprofit Studies Minor is the reason that Katie chose to pursue a graduate degree, and is now applying for positions in the area of nonprofit development.

Katie’s advice to a student who is currently considering the Nonprofit Studies Minor? “If they have an interest in nonprofits or related fields they should absolutely go for it! It was the best decision of my undergraduate career.”


To contact Katie please email

For more information on the Institute for Nonprofits Alumni Profile Series please contact Jackie Parker at